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Never-Give-Up Attitude Keeps Amy Going

Those of us who haven’t had cancer can only imagine what it must be like to live with an uncertain future, day in and day out, not to mention the physical toll of the treatments, side effects and how cancer changes every single thing in your life. To face each day with a can-do attitude is the miracle that Amy is living and sharing with those who know and love her. Here’s Amy’s story in her own words.

Today I begin a new chapter in my life with breast cancer. My initial diagnosis was in June 2017 and my recurrence diagnosis was in November 2021. The cancer has metastasized to my chest wall, left lung, left ribs and spine. I am now stage 4, triple negative metastatic breast cancer. There really are no words to describe the thoughts and emotions that have crossed my mind since I found out the cancer has returned.

I have tried my best to remain positive and strong each day, but will admit that I have at least one good ugly cry a day. My goal right now is to find a treatment that will work for me and my body and gift me with as much time as possible with my family.

I am in the fight for my life and my boxing gloves are on and ready for whatever cancer might throw my way. I have so many unknowns ahead and know there will be many days ahead filled with physical pain and thoughts of giving up. But every morning I wake up and have my 3 whys in my constant thoughts, Benji, Grayson and Anna. I fight on for them and hope they know how much I love them and will always be with them in their hearts no matter what. Following research and many discussions with my family, I am moving forward with a clinical trial at MD Anderson in Houston as my first line of treatment.

This is a Phase 1 clinical trial so I will be one of the first humans to participate. I am putting all my eggs in one basket and have prayed so hard that the treatment will benefit me in some way. I woke up this morning and could feel God lifting me up in his arms of healing.  Hug your loved ones tight.  Each day is definitely a gift.  Sending so much Love to you all!







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