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Raise Your Voice to Help Raise Funds for Deserving Nonprofits

By Rhonda Causie
Director of Research, Grants & Strategy
West Cancer Foundation

Young and old, with little or much, Americans are generous people. We share, we volunteer, and we give with purpose to causes that help others and make the world a better place. In 2022, the generosity of Americans totaled just under $5 billion, as reported by the Giving USA Foundation. Added to this amount is the value of the global aid our tax dollars fund at the discretion of elected officials.

Communities thrive when citizens are generous with their talent, time and treasure. Our lawmakers can motivate even more charitable giving with a simple income tax adjustment. Under current law, only those Americans who itemize their taxes — about 10% of taxpayers —benefit from charitable deductions. This means nonprofit organizations are more dependent on higher-income households. A charitable-giving tax incentive available to all Americans, regardless of income level, will support and help sustain social good.

On January 31, the U.S. House passed a comprehensive bill with tax breaks for families, businesses and individuals, but it does not include a charitable incentive for non-itemizers who use the standard deduction. The Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024 should provide an incentive for non-itemizing donors. The bill, H.R. 7024, has been sent to the U.S. Senate for consideration. Please reach out to your U.S. Senators and insist on the inclusion of a universal deduction provision in the final version of this important legislation. It is a reasonable request of legislators who routinely direct our resources to communities throughout the world.

We know an income-tax incentive is a powerful motivation for charitable giving here at home. It rewards donors for their selfless actions and promotes the health of nonprofits. In the current economy, as donations are declining and the demand for charitable services is on the rise, let’s make it easy for Americans to give as generously as possible, including to West Cancer Foundation to provide free cancer services for those in need. Please raise your voice today in support of this worthy issue.

If you’d like a copy of a letter that you can send your legislator, please contact West Cancer Foundation at


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