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October 2022



What an exciting time to be a part of West Cancer Foundation!  Thanks to all the incredible sponsors, participants, donors, and volunteers, who raised over $600,000 for West Fight On!  In addition, the 11th Annual Ride 2 Rosemary and the 66 incredible men who took the journey have raised over $334,750 and counting.  It was truly an amazing sight to watch the sea of pink jerseys as they departed West Cancer Center for their 500+ mile journey.

How do we use the funds from our very generous donors?  Our goal is to be an organization that brings our community together to prevent and fight cancer.  We can make a difference, and all can relate to the work we do.  We talk with cancer patients not as fortunate as we are.  We learn about their lives, their struggles, their resiliency, and their goals.  We hear the joy and relief in a woman’s voice after learning her mammogram screening showed no signs of abnormalities and just needs to come back in one year.  You cannot place a dollar value on that!

We continue to grow our relationship with University of Memphis to further measure our impact in the community.  With this partnership, we will have the ability to show our community how our work has truly made a difference in early detection of breast cancer, or how a decrease in missed radiation therapy appointments provided a better outcome.

We sincerely thank you wholeheartedly for being a part of the West Cancer Foundation Family.


All year long we focus on providing life-saving screenings, education, and support for women in need. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and now more than ever we want to come together to ensure every woman has access to the screenings she needs. Early detection saves lives, and regular mammogram screenings can help detect breast cancer early when it is most treatable.

Help us bring hope to women in our community by donating today. Your gift to West Cancer Foundation can truly make a difference.


Earlier this year, cancer survivor Neki Catron shared with us her journey with breast cancer and expressed the importance of early detection and regular mammogram screenings.

Click the button below to listen to her story and learn how West Cancer Foundation can help.


“One of the first thoughts after my diagnosis was that I hadn’t done enough to make the world a better place. Now, with my work at West Cancer Foundation, I know I’m doing that.” -Jennifer Strain.

Be sure to check out the October issue of Memphis Health + Fitness Magazine and read Jennifer’s story about her journey with cancer.

We are so grateful to have her on our team as Manager of Special Initiatives at West Cancer Foundation! Thank you, Jennifer, for helping make a difference and joining us in the fight against cancer! 💚

Click the button below to read her inspiring story!


Harry Smith started a paper route at the age of 9 that continued into his early college years. He became a CPA in 1967. His years in public accounting prepared him for his life-changing career move to the Schilling Companies, Inc. as he assumed the role of Chairman and CEO of the 1000-person company.

This was the holding company for the real estate and automotive divisions. He also owned, in partnership with Boyle Investment Company, Schilling Farms, a 448-acre planned business development in Collierville, TN. Over the past 35 years, Harry has been involved in a number of businesses which include automotive parts, industrial engines, heating and cooling distribution, and over ten different automobile dealerships of all makes and models.

He has served on the Ford Motor Company Governmental Affairs Committee and the Ford Consumer Appeals Board. In January 2003, he was recognized as the Time-Life Quality Award Dealer for the State of Tennessee.

The real measurement of Mr. Smith lies in his involvement in the non-profit community of the Memphis area. He has been involved in over 30 boards and managing committees in the area, including Baptist Healthcare Systems, Baptist College of Health Sciences Board, University of Memphis Foundation, Board of Visitors, Union University, Church Health, and Collierville Chamber of Commerce, just to name a few.

We are grateful to have such an asset as part of our board! Thank you for all of your hard work, Harry!

Recently the Board of Directors met at The Guest House at Graceland for a 5-year strategic planning session. The group reviewed all current programs and funding opportunities to determine how the Foundation can best serve the needs of the oncology community. Board members Lori Guyton and Joel Kimbrough will lead the process and present a plan to the full board in early 2023.

From now until the end of October, Buff City Soap Germantown & Collierville locations are donating $1 to West Cancer Foundation for every bar of West Fight On Soap sold! We are so proud to partner with Buff City Soap to raise fund to help cancer patients in our community.

Head over to one of these locations and support the fight against cancer!💚



For the second year in a row, the Memphis Police Association is selling breast cancer awareness t-shirts with proceeds benefitting West Cancer Foundation. We are so grateful for the support from our amazing community as we work together to advance the fight against cancer!

Thank you so much to the Executive Board of the Memphis Police Association!

Click the link below to order your shirts today.



Every month, Roadshow BMW spotlights a nonprofit organization in the community and donates $25 for every car test driven that month. We are so excited to announce that West Cancer Foundation was the spotlight in August and had over 100 test drives, which doubled the donation for a total of $6,000!

Thank you so much for your support and for helping us advance the fight against cancer! We’d also like to thank everyone that took the time to test drive a car for good cause!

We are so grateful to Memphis Fire Fighters Association Local 1784 for their continued support and for joining the fight against cancer!  This year they are selling breast cancer awareness shirts for Breast Cancer Awareness Month and 100% of the shirt sales go to West Cancer Foundation.

Stop by their office at 5150 Stage Rd or visit their website to get your breast cancer awareness shirt!

Click the link to purchase your shirts:


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